Forrest Gump Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #4

FORREST: Then Bubba said something I won't ever forget.

BUBBA: I want to go home.

FORREST: Bubba was my best good friend.

Is a ninja cutting onions in here? The competition for "Most Tear-Worthy Death" is tight in Forrest Gump, but this scene between two friends who have a lot of love to give—and not many takers for it—might top them all. If you can watch this dry-eyed—well, send your extra tissues over to us.

Quote #5

FORREST: A good friend of mine was in the bed right next door.

We've all met those people who don't seem to get when someone doesn't like them, right? That's Forrest here, who's completely oblivious that Lt. Dan hates him for pulling him away from the battlefield. Ha ha, Lt. Dan, the joke's on you—you're going to end up with millions of dollars and a sweet pair of prosthetic legs. Now, that's friendship.

Quote #6

FORREST: She showed me around and introduced me to some of her new friends.

Jenny is smart, but she doesn't have Forrest's talent for friendship. Her new group of "friends" is more interested in big talk than in standing up for her or showing loyalty or kindness. Too bad that it takes Jenny an entire movie to realize what true friendship looks like.