Forrest Gump Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #7

PRINCIPAL: Your momma sure does care about your schooling, son.

We'll say. After Mrs. Gump has sex with the principal, Forrest's future is assured, and it's off to public school for him.

Quote #8

FORREST: And can you believe it? I got to go to college, too.

After getting a football scholarship, Forrest Gump even gets to attend the University of Alabama. He's definitely come a long way since his mother first got him into public school and kept him out of a special school. Was her sacrifice worth it? For Mrs. Gump, we think it was.

Quote #9

FORREST: Jenny went to a college I couldn't go to. It was a college just for girls.

A sex act gets Forrest into public school, and a sort-of-sex act gets Jenny booted from college when she poses in a pornographic magazine wearing her school sweater. When we look at these two incidents together, we get the sense that Forrest Gump is coming down a little hard on the hypocrisy of education in mid-century America. What does nudity have to do with your school performance? And why should your momma's willingness to have sex determine your educational options?