Forrest Gump Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #4

FORREST: Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer.

When Forrest sees Jenny playing guitar in a club, he's stoked to think that everything has worked out. Unfortunately, it's a lot less of a dream and a lot more nightmare since the only reason anyone is in the club is to see what Jenny is hiding underneath her guitar. (Answer: nothing.) To our way of thinking, this is just one more example of Jenny getting smacked down for dreaming too big.

Quote #5

FORREST: I hoped whatever [Jenny] was doing made her happy.

Poor Jenny. She's constantly in pursuit of some new dream, and she's constantly getting her hopes and ambitions crushed. It takes a deadly disease to make Forrest's offer of a safe and comfortable life seem like anything but a nightmare.

Quote #6

FORREST: I wanted to be your boyfriend.

All Forrest has ever really wanted from life was to be Jenny's boyfriend and/or husband. Seems simple enough, right? But, it takes a lot of hard living from both of them for Jenny and Forrest to finally meet each other on the same level.