Follower Admiration Quotes

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Quote #4

[…] with a single pluck
Of reins, the sweating team turned round (8-9)

These lines show how much the father's team of horses respected him. We mean, if these horses could salute, they would. (And then the father wouldn't have to farm anymore. He could hit the road with his team of amazing saluting horses.) The point here is that, not only does the son admire the strength and skill of his dad, but he also admires how he commands respect (from his team of horses, and definitely from his son).

Quote #5

I stumbled in his hob-nailed wake; (13)

Even though it's difficult to keep up with his dad, the son enjoys watching him work so much that he does his best to follow closely behind, even if that means tripping through the mud after him. We're into the thirteenth line of the poem and the speaker's still going on about how awesome his dad was as a farmer and how much he admired him. Get his autograph already—sheesh.

Quote #6

Sometimes he rode me on his back (15)

This line shows that the father is aware of how the son admires him, and he's giving him a little love in return. Future stars out there: it's important to show your number one fan some love.