Flowers for Algernon Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

If I could reach Alice in time—without thinking about it, before it overwhelmed me—maybe the panic wouldn't happen. (11.112)

Charlie feels like he's always playing a game of emotional catch-up. He's not quite able to love fully yet, but he thinks it's something he should do as soon as possible.

Quote #5

There in her arms I cried myself to sleep, and I dreamed of the courtier and the pink-cheeked maiden. But in my dream it was the maiden who held the sword. (11.113)

Charlie's got a fairytale perception of love that gets debunked pretty quickly after the operation—courtly love is just not the status quo anymore. He sees women as being inherently dangerous to his fragile ego.

Quote #6

There's no question about it now. I'm in love. (11.94)

Wow—that was fast. Sure Charlie and Alice have known each other for a long time as student and teacher, but we hope he steps on those brakes and considers what a big deal it is to fall in love.