Contemporary poet Katha Pollit writes about having Elizabeth Bishop as her teacher at Harvard, which was exactly as awesome as you think.
Here's the scoop on Key West, where Bishop took refuge to write, rubbing elbows with Hemmingway, etc.
Pipe-smoking profs wax poetic about Liz's poem.
For the quick and dirty deets, look no further than
Alice Quinn's audio slideshow about Bishop. And trust Shmoop: Ms. Quinn knows her stuff.
Archives of Bishop recordings from 1947. "Filling Station" begins around 16:46. The best part is she cracks up at the end.
Here's the same recording, edited down to the poem in question.
Image of house and writing studio that Lota de Macedo Soares (Bishop's partner at the time) built for them. Looks like paradise to Shmoop.
In black and white.
Have at it, folks. Every Bishop ditty you ever wanted to read can be found right here.
Take it from Shmoop: Liz Bishop was as good a letter writer as she was a poet.