Fathers and Sons Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #4

Is there anything in the world more captivating than a beautiful young mother with a healthy child in her arms? (8.24)

Who is saying this? Is this a unique moment when the narrator suddenly appears to offer us a little kernel of wisdom? Is it disrupting to have him do so? What does his relation to the story seem to be?

Quote #5

"Only immoral or silly people can live in our age without principles." (10.48)

Is Pavel simplifying things here? What is the kernel of wisdom that he is attempting to impart to Bazarov? Are their points of view inherently opposed to each other or is there some place for a mutual understanding? Is Bazarov really attempting to go forward without principles?

Quote #6

"At last I said to her, 'Of course, you cannot understand me: we belong to two different generations,' I said. She was dreadfully offended but I thought to myself, 'It can't be helped. It is a bitter pill but she must swallow it.' You see, now our turn has come, and our successors say to us, "You are not of our generation: swallow your pill.'" (10.121)

Is Nikolai being too fatalistic? What happens if he simply accepts that two generations cannot understand one another? Where is the wisdom in his idea and where is the shortcoming? Does Nikolai ever seem to share his father's viewpoint on the gap between generations?