Fathers and Sons Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #4

On his return from abroad Pavel Petrovich had gone to his brother's with the intention of spending a couple of months with him and enjoying the sight of his happiness, but he could only stand a week. (7.7)

Why is it that the happiness of other people makes the unhappy even more so? Do you think that Pavel was envious of his brother or did his brother's happiness simply make him think of what he himself did not have? Is there a difference? If so, how exactly would you articulate it?

Quote #5

He threw himself on the sofa, clasping his hands behind his head and remained motionless, staring at the ceiling with an expression verging on despair. Perhaps because he wanted to hide from the very walls what was reflected in his face, or for some other reason – anyway, he got up, unfastened the heavy window curtains and threw himself back again on the sofa. (8.58)

Pavel has just spent some time with Fenichka and with Nikolai's new infant, Mitya. Why do you think this induces in him a state of despair? Why do you think Pavel feels compelled to suffer alone? Where would he start if he were to try overcome his despair?

Quote #6

"I wanted to say that they, my parents, I mean, are so busy, they don't worry about their own insignificance. It doesn't stick in their throat... whereas I... I feel nothing but depression and rancor." (21.60)

Why do you think Bazarov remains so idle despite the fact that he realizes it is bad for him? Do you think that his depression started when Anna Sergeyevna rebuffed him or do you think it started earlier? Is he being melodramatic? Why do you think it is that depressed people have trouble doing anything when action is exactly what might help them get rid of their depression?