Fathers and Sons Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #7

"I can see you're still a fool, my boy. The Sitnikovs of this world are essential to us. I – I would have you understand – I need such louts. It is not for the god to have to bake bricks!..."

"Oho!" thought Arkady, and only then in a flash did all the fathomless depths of Bazarov's conceit dawn upon him. (19.36-37)

Is there any way to interpret Bazarov's lines other than that they are spoken by an incredibly arrogant young man? What do you make of the fact that Bazarov's pride has just been severely threatened by the rejection of Anna Sergeyevna? Why might his conceit have reached new heights after this threat?

Quote #8

"I wanted to say that they, my parents, I mean, are so busy, they don't worry about their own insignificance. It doesn't stick in their throat... whereas I... I feel nothing but depression and rancor." (21.60)

How is even Bazarov's sense of his own insignificance streaked through by his pride? Is this intense humility the inverse of pride or is it the same thing in a different guise?

Quote #9

"Bazarov the self-confident did not for a moment suspect that in their eyes he was after all nothing but a sort of buffoon." (27.14)

After going to chat with the peasants and mock them, Bazarov leaves and we find that the peasants are just as capable of making fun of him. How does Bazarov's self-confidence blind him to this fact? What else do you think his self-confidence blinds him to in the story?