Fathers and Sons Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #10

Like most of our graveyards it has a melancholy look; the ditches round it have long been over-grown; grey wooden crosses sag and rot beneath their once painted gables; the tomb-stones are all askew, as though someone were pushing them from below; two or three shabby trees barely afford some meagre shade; sheep wander at will over the graves... But there is one among the graves which no man molests and no animal tramples upon: only the birds porch on it and sing at dawn. (28.12)

What do you make of the fact that Bazarov's grave is untouched by men and animals? How does the manner of his burial symbolize the way that he lived his life? Do you think that this was planned by his parents or just happened?