Fathers and Sons Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #7

"If I did not love Nikolai Petrovich I would have nothing to live for." (24.147)

This is what Fenichka says to Pavel when he questions her on her commitment to his brother. Notice how there is a hidden literality in this statement. Since Nikolai is her caretaker, if she does not love him then she will be out on the streets by herself. What do you make of this cynical reading? Are love and economic practicality compatible?

Quote #8

"Fenichka," he said in a sort of strange whisper, "love him, do love my brother! He is such a good, kind man. Don't betray him for anyone in the world. Don't heed anyone else! Think – what could be more terrible than to love and not be loved in return! Never forsake my poor dear Nikolai!" (24.162)

Why do you think Pavel is so invested in Nikolai and Fenichka's relationship? Why do you think he doesn't pursue his own loves anymore? How would it feel safer for him to pursue loves once removed? How is it safer for him to invest his own happiness in his brother?

Quote #9

"Well, what had I to say to you... That I loved you? That made no sense before, and makes less than ever now. Love is a form, and my particular form is already disintegrating. Better let me say – how lovely you are! And now there you stand, so beautiful..." (27.141)

What does Bazarov mean that "love is a form"? Does this in some way harken back to his obsession with female beauty? Is he denying that love is a feeling, a deep-rooted emotion? Why is it more comforting for him to locate loveliness in Anna Sergeyevna objectively than it is for him to admit that he loves her (subjectively)?