Farewell to Manzanar Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Papa needed an enterprise he could manage from within the family. He decided that a fortune could be made catching shrimp and abalone off the coast of Mexico, then bringing it back to dry and sell in southern California. Woody was out of the army by this time and looking for work. so at intervals he would rent a boat, take it down to Ensenada or below, load up with abalone, bring the catch home, and all the rest of us would spend days cleaning and cutting up the meat and stringing it out to dry in the bedrooms. For months the apartment reeked of drying seafood. (2.20.25)

Family first—together you rise, and together you fall. Oh—and apparently you also dry abalone in bedrooms together. Good times abound.