Youth Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If food is left out in the garden for a hedgehog, it will accept and enjoy the gift; if food is offered to a Knarl, on the other hand, it will assume that the householder is attempting to lure it into a trap and will savage that householder's garden plants or garden ornaments. Many a Muggle child has been accused of vandalism when an offended Knarl was the real culprit. (19.5)

Poor Muggle kids. Always getting blamed for everything. In this case, a Knarl is the cause of the damage but, since Muggles don't believe magical creatures exist, it's much more sensible to blame their offspring. It's tough being a kid sometimes.

Quote #8

It is a docile creature that has no objection to being cuddled or thrown about. Easy to care for, it emits a low humming noise when contented […] This tendency has made the Puffskein much beloved by wizarding children for many generations and it remains a highly popular wizarding pet. (24.7)

Wizard kids need to have some magical pets, right? The Puffeskein is the perfect one because it doesn't mind being roughhoused a little. Perfect for kids at play.