Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The gnome can be expelled from the garden by swinging it in circles until dizzy and then dropping it over the garden wall. (15.3)

This is exactly what Harry and the Weasley family do to rid the Burrow garden on gnomes in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We're guessing they got this little bit of wisdom straight from Mr. Scamander's book.

Quote #8

The correct means to overcome a kelpie is to get a bridle over its head with a Placement Charm, which renders it docile and unthreatening. (19.3)

Kelpie's are tricky creatures, so it helps to know how to trick them right back. You might want to bring a copy of Fantastic Beasts with you if you ever take a trip to Loch Ness.

Quote #9

The Malaclaw's bite has the unusual side effect of making the victim highly unlucky for a period of up to a week after the injury. If you are bitten by a Malaclaw, all bets, wagers, and speculative ventures should be cancelled, as they are sure to go against the victim. (21.2)

Again: good to know. You'd hate to get bitten by a Malaclaw and then hop on a plane to Vegas with the money you're hoping to double in order to save the orphanage. It's not gonna turn out well.