Violence Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Basilisk is a brilliant green serpent that may reach up to fifty feet in length. The male has a scarlet plume upon its head. It has exceptionally venomous fangs but its most dangerous means of attack is the gaze of its large yellow eyes. Anyone looking directly into these will suffer instant death. (10.2)

Well, if looking at this giant snake doesn't kill you instantly, then its huge venomous fangs will. It's either one violent death or the other. Pick your poison.

Quote #5

Vicious and bloodthirsty, the Chimaera is extremely dangerous. There is only one known instance of the successful slaying of a Chimaera and the unlucky wizard concerned fell to his death from his winged horse shortly afterwards, exhausted by his efforts. (11.4)

Yet another bad dude among magical creatures. Rowling is alluding to the Greek myth of Bellerophon who fought the Chimera on the back of Pegasus and then managed to die any way. Chimeras will get you one way or another.

Quote #6

Probably the most famous of all magical beasts, dragons are among the most difficult to hide. The female is generally larger and more aggressive than the male, though neither should be approached by any but highly skilled and trained wizards. (12.7)

Wow. Kind of makes you wonder why a bunch of adult wizards thought it would be a good idea to import four of them to fight a bunch of children during that Triwizard Tournament. We're having our doubts about the quality of education that's provided at Hogwarts…