Exploration Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This East African beast is arguably the most dangerous in the world. A gigantic leopard that moves silently despite its size and whose breath causes disease virulent enough to eliminate entire villages, [the Nundu] has never yet been subdued by fewer than a hundred skilled wizards working together. (22.4)

It's not clear that Mr. Scamander has ever seen a Nundu in action, though we're guessing that we may have been one of the hundred wizards attempting to subdue one. It definitely takes a village.

Quote #8

The Occamy is found in the Far East and India. A plumed, two-legged winged creature with a serpentine body, the Occamy may reach a length of fifteen feet. (23.1)

Mr. Scamander might have run into this bad dude while he was hunting down the Demiguise. Since an Occamy also appears in the film version of his life story, we know he gets to meet one up close and in person at some point.

Quote #9

The Runespoor originated in the small African country of Burkina Faso. A three-headed serpent, the Runespoor commonly reaches a length of six or seven feet. Livid orange with black stripes, the Runespoor is only too easy to spot, so the Ministry of Magic in Burkina Faso has designated certain forests unplottable for the Runespoor's sole use. (26.4)

If these forests are unplottable, it makes you wonder how Mr. Scamander found them.