Memory and Dreams Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Did you win?"

Luce laughed a sad, self-effacing laugh and shook her head. "Far from it."

Daniel pursed his lips. "But you were always…"

"I was always what?"

"I mean, you look like you might be a good swimmer," He shrugged. "That's all." (6.79-83)

So Daniel's memories of Luce are even more all-encompassing than he lets on, but all of his thoughts are self-censored because he knows Luce incredibly well yet can't tell her that. He feels he is forced to push her away.

Quote #8

"I can't get it out of my head," she said, rolling over on her side to face him. She didn't feel steady enough to sit up yet. "This feeling that I know you. That I've known you for a while."[…]
"Haven't we been through this already?" His tone had changed, like he was trying to laugh her off…"I'm flattered that you feel like we have this connection, really. But you don't have to invent some forgotten history to get a guy to pay attention to you." (8.133-134)

At this point, Luce's nagging memories are coming to a head, and instead of telling her the truth, Daniel shuts her down. Again, we know why he's doing it, but that doesn't mean it's not frustrating as heck to watch them do this dance in circles all the time.

Quote #9

Daniel had carried her? As in…his arms around her body? The dream rushed back and the sensation of flying—no, of floating—overwhelmed her. She felt to tethered down to her bed…Her face grew hot, first with desire, then with the agonizing impossibility of any of that ever happening while she was awake. Those glorious, blinding wings were the only fantastical things about that dream. The real-life Daniel would only carry her to the nurse's station. He would never want her, never take her in his arms, not like that. (11.90)

Luce is an expert at throwing pity parties, and here is one of her best ones. The dream of flying with Daniel the night before, of seeing him with wings, of having him kiss her, is nothing more than a fantastical image her mind created for her. Or is it? Dun, dun, dun