Loss Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"When you lose me," she said, feeling out the shape of the word in her mouth, "How does it happen? Why?"

"It depends on you, on how much you can see about our past, on how well you've come to know me, who I am." (16. 177-178)

Talking about your own death must be rough, but it's a good question. We can't imagine the idea of losing someone you love over and over and over again. It must be 1000 times worse than consistently losing your car keys?

Quote #8

"Cam's right, Daniel," Gabbe said quietly. "Something's different this time…something about Luce. The cycle could be broken—and not the way we want it to. I mean…it could end." (18. 115)

Gabbe lays it all on the line for us, telling us what's really at stake this time around. This isn't just about Luce's life, although that's kind of important, too. This is about the entire fate of the world, hanging in the balance between one girl and one fallen angel. Gabbe makes it sound like if Luce dies this time around, not only is she gone for good, but the planet as we know it might be gone for good, too. Great. No pressure.

Quote #9

"I know cam gave you that gold necklace, too," Daniel said.

Luce hadn't thought about that since Cam had forced it onto her at the bar. She couldn't believe that was only yesterday. The thought of wearing it made her feel sick. She didn't even know where the necklace was—and she didn't want to. (20.72-73)

Although it seems a little anticlimactic to go from talking about the end of the world to talking about a missing necklace, this detail is important. Luce's attention to detail dwindles when she stops caring about things, and the fact that she lost Cam's necklace solidifies that any feelings she had for him really were entirely superficial. She isn't ever going back. It's now 100% Luniel. Or…Danuce?