Loneliness and Friendship Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Luce hemmed and hawed at the side of the pool, unable to tune in to Coach Diante's instructions. Seeing Gabbe et al. clustered on the bleachers cool-kids-style made Luce wish that Cam were there. She could picture him looking buff in a sleek black bathing suit, waving her over to the crew with his big smile, making her feel immediately welcome, even important (6.41)

Even kids at Sword & Cross can be cliquey, and apparently Luce doesn't yet feel like she's part of the in-crowd, even though she went to Cam's party. The social milieu of Sword & Cross isn't so different from that of a regular school, in that regard.

Quote #5

She watched Daniel walk away with Roland. He didn't look back, and every step he took away from her made her feel more and more freakishly alone. (7.83)

This is just one of the many instances when Daniel walks away from Luce and makes her feel like dirt. That's their chemistry. On top of that, Daniel constantly ignores and belittles Luce, only to go back and do something nice and confuse her feelings again. Even though we find out why he's doing it in the end, it's still not cool.

Quote #6

Cam looked at Penn like he was trying to figure out where she'd come from all of a sudden. He had a way of making Luce feel like a better, cooler version of herself. And she had a way of crossing his path right after Daniel had made her feel exactly the opposite. (10.28)

Like a knight in shining armor, Cam swoops in to save the day. He does this quite a lot, and this perfect example happens right after Daniel insulting Luce for no reason and left with Roland. No wonder Luce is so indecisive about boys.