Food and Temptation Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Arriane shrugged and produced a giant bag of popcorn from her carpetbag. "I can only look after so many new students," she said, tossing a buttery kernel at Luce. "Lucky you." (5.69)

Not only can Arriane get access to things that the other students might not—like the popcorn, for instance…probably courtesy of Roland or Cam—but she also chooses whom she'll trust with her information and her attention. By inviting Luce into her social circle, she's making her privy to the secret parts of Sword & Cross.

Quote #5

Luce's eyes grew wide as she watched [Cam] arrange the food: a dark brown baguette, a small round of oozy cheese, a terra-cotta tub of olives, a bowl of deviled eggs, and two bright green apples. It didn't seem possible that Cam had fit all that in his bag—or that he'd been planning on eating all this food by himself. (7.39)

Ah, nothing says romance like a picnic in a cemetery…Wait, we can think of a lot of things that say romance better than a picnic in a cemetery. But at least Cam's trying, right? Or is he? It's not secret that his assortment of foodstuffs—with nary a meat product in sight—shows that he's been paying attention to Luce and knows her eating habits. There's also a certain classiness to his spread that's on an entirely different scale from cafeteria meatloaf, showing that he has the wherewithal to get this stuff on the sly. The fact that they also see a snake during their picnic is also not a coincidence. Snakes are synonymous with temptation, and the apple that Cam hands over to Luce does seem mighty tempting. Whether she knows it or not, Luce might be lucky that Gabbe intervenes when she does.

Quote #6

The meal—not dinner, not even lunch, just a generic late-afternoon fill-up—had been a strange experience for Luce, who had a hard enough time finding anything she could eat in the meat-centric cafeteria. Randy had just wheeled in a cart of depressing sandwiches and some pitches of lukewarm water.

The sandwiches had all been mystery cold cuts, mayo, and cheese, and Luce had watched enviously as Pen chomped through one after another, leaving tooth-marked rings of crusts as she ate. Luce had been on the verge of de-bologna-ing a sandwich when Cam shouldered up next to her. He'd opened a fist to expose a small cluster of fresh figs. Their deep purple skin looked like jewels in his hand. (9.11-12)

Again, Cam swoops in with a promise of foodie salvation in a world of boredom and soggy bread. At this point, we're wondering what his angle is, and we're also wondering why he decided figs might be the best thing for Luce in a time like this. What, he couldn't have crammed an eggplant parmesan sub into his backpack? There's also something fruity going on here, reminding us of the apples that he shared with Luce in the cemetery. Fruit and temptation seem to go hand in hand—especially when Cam is involved, bringing her fancy things at just the right time. Luce isn't picking up on the hint.