Fallen Chapter 18 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 18 Quotes

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Quote 4

And [Luce] at last heard what he had said when they were looking at the shadows: that she had done nothing wrong. That there was no reason to feel guilty. Could it be true? Was she innocent of Trevor's death, of Todd's, as she'd always believed? The moment she asked herself, she knew that Daniel had told her the truth. And she felt like she was waking from a long bad dream. She no longer felt like the girl with the shorn hair and the baggy black clothes, no longer the eternal screw-up, afraid of the putrid cemetery and stuck in reform school for good reason. (18.106)

Finally, Luce realizes the truth: Todd's and Trevor's deaths weren't her fault. But the fact that it takes someone else to point this out to her also speaks to her character. She's full of self-doubt, and she's self-conscious about her own behavior, two traits that have proved detrimental in situations in the past.