Fallen Chapter 1 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"Are you afraid of who you really are, Luce?"

"No," Luce said again quickly. It must be so obvious that she was lying. She closed her eyes. All she wanted from Sword & Cross was a fresh start, a place where people didn't look at her the way Arriane was looking at her right now. (1.108-109)

Luce's desperation to get away from her past—rather than own it and move forward from it—is very apparent here. She sees Sword & Cross as a clean slate, a place where she can remake herself and forget the horrors of her past. What Luce doesn't seem prepared for is the fact that everyone here has his or her own horrors, and everyone is pretty big on sharing.

Quote 8

In typical Callie fashion, she'd gone on so long that Luce's crap phone cut the message off four lines in. In a way, Luce was almost relieved. She didn't want to read about how everyone from her old school had already forgotten what had happened to her, what she'd done to land herself in this place. (1.23)

It's not even five minutes into her new life at Sword & Cross, and Luce already knows that her social standing at her old school is already ruined beyond belief. She can't let her best friend know any more about her new prison. At least not having a phone might get her away from all the gossip that's flying about her.