Language and Communication Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I read newspapers and magazines all day long. I wanted to learn idioms. I wanted to become a real American. (4.31)

For Grandma, part of becoming an American is speaking like an American. She wants to blend in, not stand out, and the best way to do that is to learn the language.

Quote #5

"I'm going to say a word, a person's name, or even a sound. Whatever. There are no right or wrong answers here. No rules. Should we give it a try?" (9.60)

Dr. Fein plays a classic word association game with Oskar, one that tells us a lot about what's going on in Oskar's head and illustrates the sometimes unique way he communicates. ("Celebrate." "Ruff, ruff." "Was that a bark?" "Anyway.")

Quote #6

Every day I write a letter to you. (10.1)

Isn't it crazy that a man who's mute writes so many words to his son? And even though he writes all these words, he never sends them; he's mute even in writing.