Everything That Rises Must Converge Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Mamma, Mamma!" (120)

Sometimes the simplest of words can say everything. This is the first time Julian calls his mother mamma, a term of endearment that sets him back to childhood and makes us realize how childish he actually is.

Quote #5

"Tell Caroline to come get me." (119)

Although Julian's mother is clearly not well, we think it's telling that she remembers and asks for her black nurse and not her mom or dad. Kind of messes with the whole idea that she's racist, huh? (Or does it?)

Quote #6

The other [eye] remained fixed on [Julian], raked his face again, found nothing, and closed. (120)

One of the last lines of the story, Julian's mother doesn't recognize her son anymore and it's quite possible that she may die. O'Connor leaves us with a masterful open ending, and we have to wonder—what is going to happen to this family?