Equations and Inequalities Quiz True or False

1. The statement "x is at most 37" can be expressed in symbols as -> x < 37
2. Which number is a solution to the inequality

x > - 1 ? ->  - 2

3. Which number is NOT a solution to the inequality

 - 19 ≤ y ? -> - 20

4. Which picture represents the inequality y ≥ - 2 ? -> None of the above
5. Which inequality is represented by the following picture?

-> z < 1

6. Which picture shows the solutions to the inequality

2y + 12 ≥ 6 ? ->

7. Which picture shows the solutions to the inequality

- 17y ≤ 51 ? ->

8. Which picture and inequality do NOT match? -> None of the above
9. A student solved the inequality

4(1 - z) < 3z + 2 by taking the following steps:

1. 4 - 4z < 3z + 2

2. - 7z < - 2


 If the student made an error—aside from her ghastly blouse/pant combo—where was it? -> In going from the original inequality to line 1.

10. Which of the following inequalities is NOT equivalent to the inequality

- 3(z + 2 - 4(z + 1))< - 6(z + 4)? -> - 3(z + 2 - 4z + 4) < - 6(z + 4)
