Driving Miss Daisy Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #1

[Miss Daisy puts her hat on.]

The very first thing we see in the film is Miss Daisy putting her hat on. It lets us know that she is a woman who values her appearance and the way she fits into society as a proper southern lady.

Quote #2


This nameless extra says this to her black help, giving us another bit of context for the movie. It's a social class where white people employ black people and they're expected to remain separate.

Quote #3

HOKE: A fine, rich Jewish lady like yourself ain't go not business draggin' herself up the steps of no trolley carryin' no grocery store bags.

Hoke's job is to serve Miss Daisy; because that's the way society is, he doesn't question it. In fact, he wants to do the best job he can, and that involves helping Miss Daisy keep up her appearances and act like the rich lady she is.