Dream Song 29 Resources


You Want More Berryman? You Got It.

The Poetry Foundation offers more than a dozen Berryman poems for your reading pleasure (plus another bio with a picture of Berryman looking, you guessed it, sad.)

Dream Song Quotes

John (and Henry) had lots to say about lots of stuff. Here are some quotes from other dream songs, as well as a quote about why Berryman thinks bats have it made.


Berryman Reads #29

Here's your chance to see the man himself read "Dream Song 29." Watching and listening to him read this one might just give you a whole new perspective on the poem—or not.

Berryman on Henry (and some other stuff)

In this excerpt from a 1967 interview Berryman talks about our pal Henry in The Dream Songs. He also reads another one of the songs (#14) near the end.


And Here's Where it All Began…

It's always a good idea to begin at the beginning, right? Here's Berryman reading "Dream Song 1."

And Then…

Here's another chance to hear Berryman reading.


Stop the Presses!

Here's a picture of Berryman smiling. Actually, John loved to have a good time (maybe too much).

John Plus One

John looks almost happy (it's hard to tell with the beard) in this picture too. He's pictured here with his wife Jane Howard.

Articles and Interviews

The Paris Review Interview

In a 1970 interview with The Paris Review, Berryman goes into great detail about a great many things. TPR was and is known for insightful interviews with literary-types and this interview by Peter Stitt lives up to the hype.

More on #29

Here's an article that delves into the boozy side of #29.


77 Dream Songs

Take a peek at the book that brought a bunch of the dream songs together for the first time (and won Berryman the Pulitzer Prize). We hope #29 plays nice with the other kids.

What? You Want More?

Careful what you ask for. This book includes all the dream songs (close to 400 in all). Happy reading.