Dracula Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It is a very strange thing, this sleep-walking, for as soon as her will is thwarted in any physical way, her intention, if there be any, disappears, and she yields herself almost exactly to the routine of her life. (7.30)

Lucy is so passive while sleepwalking that Mina is able to redirect her easily enough—as long as she does so physically.

Quote #8

"I am here to do Your bidding, Master. I am Your slave, and You will reward me." (8.38)

Renfield submits himself entirely to Dracula. It doesn't work out so well for him.

Quote #9

All the resolution has gone out of his dear eyes, and that quiet dignity which I told you was in his face has vanished. (9.1)

Because Jonathan is full of self-doubt about what happened in Transylvania, he becomes irresolute and indecisive.