The Island of Dr. Moreau Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A horrible fancy came into my head that Moreau, after animalising these men, had infected their dwarfed brains with a kind of deification of himself. (12.24)

Prendick is an outsider to Beast Folk society, so he finds it odd that Moreau would hold such a high place. For the Beast Folk, it's only natural. It'd be like a Martian coming to the USA and wondering why exactly we place the Real Housewives in the higher classes of our society. Our answer? You kinda had to be there...

Quote #8

That Moreau and Montgomery could be killed; that they were not to be feared: that was the burden of what I put into the heads of the Beast People to my own ultimate undoing. (13.21)

Society and class are fragile parts of our lives. So long as we don't question them, they hold up rather well. Question them, and they have a tendency to break. At this moment, Prendick doesn't know how good he's got it in Beast Folk society. Just you wait.

Quote #9

I thought him a fair specimen of the negroid type when I had done him, and he lay, bandaged, bound, and motionless before me. (14.31)

A little insight into the era the book was written in. Here, Moreau associates his new Beast Folk with a man of African decent. This new Beast Man will be the first of the new lower class of society because he doesn't stack up to the ideal of Western society's desired look. Think that's crazy awful? Check out this encyclopedia entry on physiognomy to have your mind really blown.