Don Juan Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Canto.Stanza)

Quote #4

The lawyers did their utmost for divorce,
But scarce a fee was paid on either side
Before, unluckily, Don José died (1.32)

Don Juan's father dies before Juan is a teenager. It's tough to say what kind of effect this death has on Juan because Juan and his mother seem to carry on as though nothing ever happened. It's clear, though, that Don Juan has inherited certain things from his dad, like his sense of adventure and wandering personality.

Quote #5

Dying intestate, Jan was sole heir
To a chancery suit, and messuages, and lands,
Which, with a long minority and care,
Promised to turn out well in proper hands (1.37)

After his father dies, Don Juan inherits an impressive estate with all kinds of property and servants. It looks as though he'll live a rich and fabulous life from this point on, and he's got his dead father to thank for all of it.

Quote #6

I never married—but, I think, I know
That sons should not be educated so (1.53)

Byron admits that he has never been married, although he's still happy to give his readers advice about how to raise sons. He thinks that sons should be given tough discipline if they're ever going to be upstanding members of society.