A Doll's House The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line) Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

NORA: "You never can tell what mischief these men may contrive. We ought to be so well off, so snug and happy here in our peaceful home." (2.110)

It's interesting that their supposedly perfect home is threatened by nothing more than the truth.

Quote #5

RANK: "I cannot imagine for a moment what would have become of me if I had never come into this house." (2.174)

The seeming perfection of the Helmers' home has been a great comfort to Dr. Rank. Too bad the house was far from perfect.

Quote #6

MRS. LINDE: "What a difference! Someone to work for and live for—a home to bring comfort into." (3.84)

Christine's main objective as a character seems to be finding a new home. To her, home seems to mean having a family to work and care for.