A Doll's House Mrs. Christine Linde Quotes

MRS. LINDE: "Two on the same piece of wreckage would stand a better chance than each on their own." (3.44)

Christine's offer of love is strikingly different from the Helmers' discussion of their affection. Rather than being some idealized version, it's tempered with harsh reality.

MRS. LINDE: "they must have a complete understanding between them, which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on." (3.78)

Christine seems to hope that the truth will heal the Helmers' marriage, when in fact it destroys it.

MRS. LINDE: "You must not forget that I had a helpless mother and two little brothers. We couldn't wait for you, Nils; your prospects seemed hopeless then." (3.22)

Christine's need of money for her family forced her to sacrifice her love for Krogstad.