Doctor Zhivago Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Don't remain calm. I'm always in danger. If you love me and want to keep me from perishing, don't put it off, let's get married quickly." (3.9.7)

When she finds out that the truth of her affair with Komarovsky might come out in public, Lara asks Antipov to marry her right away. Because you know, it'll be a lot tougher for him to dump her if they're already married.

Quote #5

"And, finally, if I proved that I was his wife, it's no big deal! What have wives got to do with it? Is it the time for such things?" (9.15.10)

When she finds out that Antipov is working nearby under an assumed identity, Lara can't understand why she can't run to him and let the world know that she's his wife. The Communists might have abolished private property, but they haven't abolished marriage.

Quote #6

He loved Tonya to the point of adoration. The peace of her soul, her tranquility, were dearer to him than anything in the world. He stood staunchly by her honor, more than her own father or than she herself. (9.16.4)

The narrator wants to make one thing very clear to us: Yuri Zhivago loves his wife Tonya and will do almost anything for her. The problem is that he can't resist Lara Antipova and ultimately has an affair with her.