Violence Quotes in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…]; even without the Penfield mood organ at hand his spirits brightened into optimism. And into hungry, gleeful anticipation. (8.92)

Look at that word "hungry." It's as if Rick is a predator, prowling for his next meal, and in a way he is. If he doesn't retire those andys, he doesn't get paid—and you can buy your weekly supply of Hot Pockets without cold, hard cash.

Quote #5

Resch, you're an android, he thought to himself. You got me out of this place and here's your reward; you're everything we jointly abominate. The essence of what we're committed to destroy. (11.41)

Could this be change in Rick's relationship with the violence he does to androids? It sure looks like yes. Yes, he'll probably give Resch the old laser tube should the Voigt-Kampff confirm that he's an andy, but Rick isn't as hungry for the hunt as he was in the last passage.

Quote #6

"I see a pattern. The way you killed Garland and then the way you killed Luba. You don't kill the way I do; you don't try to—Hell," [Rick] said. "I know what it is. You like to kill. All you need is a pretext." (12.62)

Rick doesn't like the way Resch retired Luba Luft, and it shows. Notice how he said Resch killed Garland and Luba, not retired. At this point, Rick is riding the crest of the character arc right at enlightenment.