Divergent Chapter 12 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 12 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Once they're halfway through the Dauntless-born initiates, I have an idea of what it is. With the exception of Will and a couple of the others, we all share the same body type: narrow shoulders, small frames. All the people on Eric's team are broad and strong. Just yesterday, Four told me I was fast. We will all be faster than Eric's team, which will probably be good for capture the flag—I haven't played before, but I know it's a game of speed rather than brute force. I cover a smile with my hand. Eric is more ruthless than Four, but Four is smarter. (12.44)

While the initiates have their competition, the older Dauntless have theirs. Eric and Four were in the same initiate group, so they've probably been competing non-stop for two years. Because once you're in Dauntless, you're constantly judging yourself against others. Who is more ruthless? Who is smarter? Who's got better tattoos?

"Come on, Tris," she says. "You're already the hero of the day. And you know you can't reach it anyway."

She gives me a patronizing look, the way people sometimes look at children when they act too adult, and snatches the flag from the branch. Without looking at me, she turns and gives a whoop of victory. (12.187-8)

We love Christina, but from where Tris is standing, she sure seems like a jerk here. (Especially that "you can't reach it anyway line.") But this is an interesting moment where friendship collides with competition directly: even though Tris and Christina are on the same team, only one of them gets the bragging rights of getting the flag. And in Dauntless, bragging rights matter.