Digital Humanities State of the Theory

Does anyone still read this stuff?

Digital Humanities is the new kid on the block. Back in the 80s—and even the 90s—not a lot of people in the ivory tower were really into it. A lot of people thought that Digital Humanists were just a bunch of wacky computer geeks who also just sort of happened to be into literature.

But boy, did the Digital Humanists prove those people wrong. Given how information technology has transformed our lives since the 80s, and given the way it's still transforming our lives, Digital Humanities has, in the past ten years, gained more and more respectability as a field of study.

And this is just the beginning. Every day, more and more Digital Humanities research centers are opening up in universities all over the country. Publications in the field—books, edited collections, blog posts, and essays—are multiplying by the day.