Die Hard Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #7

MCCLANE: Hang on, honey. Hang on, baby.

Even while he's bruised, bloody, and, um, shot, McClane's still the manly hero, coming to rescue his damsel in distress. Which reminds us of another important facet of McClane's masculinity—he's a family man. Sure, he may not be the best family man, but at least he's trying … now.

Quote #8

MCCLANE: Happy trails, Hans.

Just as McClane says this, he blows the smoke away from his spent Beretta like an honest-to-goodness cowboy. With this line, McClane puts the nail in the coffin of Gruber's educated, well-dressed, old-world masculinity. He's proven once and for all that a real man wears sad khakis, smokes like a chimney, and swears every chance he gets.