Passivity Quotes in Delirium

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sometimes I feel like if you just watch things, just sit still and let the world exist in front of you—sometimes I swear that just for a second time freezes and the world pauses in its tilt. (10.21)

This is a nice sentiment, and it explains why Lena holds onto her passivity so much. There is a certain kind of beauty to just watching your life go by, when you think about it this way.

Quote #8

I just have to believe that Alex will come and rescue me—like in one of the fairy tales he told me about [...] where the prince springs a princess from a locked tower. (27.5)

This is Lena's grand escape plan: wait for a guy to save her. We'll be eagerly awaiting Lena's Disney Princess doll in stores for the holidays.

Quote #9

I'd rather die loving Alex than live without him. (27.31)

Lena's Plan A: Alex saves her. Lena's Plan B: she dies. She's not going to try to escape on her own. What a wuss.