Lies and Deceit Quotes in Delirium

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Don't be an idiot. If it was on the news, it definitely isn't true." (5.45)

Not only is this an apt assessment of the media in Lena's time, it's also a funny line because it could kind of be true in our own society. What do you think? Which news sources do you trust, and which do you think are full of it?

Quote #5

I've learned to get really good at this—say one thing when I'm thinking something else, act like I'm listening when I'm not. (5.52)

In other words, Lena is great at pretending to be someone she's not… except in situations where it counts, like at the evaluation. In that instance, she's shockingly honest. Why do you think that is?

Quote #6

"We weren't breaking in. [...] We got lost." (5.92)

Unlike Lena, who thinks she's the best liar of all time (yet freezes when it counts), Hana is pretty good at talking herself out of dicey situations. Like this one with Alex the security guard. Sure, you were just lost, Hana. That's all.