David Copperfield Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

We stood together in the same old-fashioned window at night, when the moon was shining; Agnes with her quiet eyes raised up to it; I following her glance. Long miles of road then opened out before my mind; and, toiling on, I saw a ragged way-worn boy, forsaken and neglected, who should come to call even the heart now beating against mine, his own. (62.76)

As David stands with Agnes, he can look back on the whole trajectory of his life, back to the moment when he was running away to Dover and Miss Betsey Trotwood. David seems to feel that he has achieved everything he wants in life by the end of the book; he has also moved us from his childhood to his adulthood. Are there any plot holes that Dickens fails to tie off to your satisfaction? Do you find all of the endings Dickens gives to his characters equally compelling or believable? Why does Dickens work so hard to resolve every single narrative plot line?