Violence Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Annihilation. Again he saw axes, guns, bloody bodies smashed into the ground. Screaming giving way to whimpers and birdsong. He wanted to bleed more. (4.17)

Okay, we take back what we said about the last quote. Ben wants to rage against everything. But note that he still ends this violent fantasy with himself bleeding. Ben ultimately wants to punish himself.

Quote #8

[Ben's] whole body felt like a cocked fist, ready for release. (11.97)

This is a nice turn of phrase that lets us know Ben is an angry young man ready to blow. The phrase also serves as misleading foreshadowing, making us think that when Ben snaps, it'll be against his family—but that's not actually what happens.

Quote #9

"[Ben] had something inside him that wasn't right for the outside world. A violence." (31.73)

This is Diondra talking… you know, the woman who strangled a ten-year-old to death. We think she should keep her judgments about Ben to herself.