Identity Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"[Ben] is true grace under fire, and I love that he's able to make me laugh—make me laugh, when I'm supposed to be helping him—about the horrible conditions he endures each day." (16.50)

Different people see different aspects of Ben's identity. Why does he show this side of himself to his female fans, rather than to Libby?

Quote #8

"You're just like your mother, you know, so… c***." (24.78)

Yikes. This clumsy insult comes courtesy of Libby's dad after she refuses to give him money. Ben also tells Libby that she reminds him of their mother, but in a much more complimentary fashion.

Quote #9

"Dad told me." […] "Dad? He's Dad now?" (26.41, 26.42)

We're not sure if Libby really sees Runner as "Dad" here or if this is just a slip of the tongue. We don't understand why she would have any affection toward him, considering what he called her a couple of chapters ago.