Dark Matter Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dark Matter? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What major life choice do Jason and Jason2 make differently?

The choice to become an artist
The choice to marry Daniela
The choice to move to Chicago
The choice of Coke or Pepsi
Q. What personal fact explains Jason finding the plague-ridden universe?

His childhood illness
His hypochondria
His mother's death
His love of zombie movies
Q. How does Jason determine which Jason his family should end up with (you read that right)?

A battle
A dance-off
A debate
A raffle
Q. Why does Amanda split up with Jason?

She's falling for him.
She doesn't trust him.
She wants to go home.
She doesn't like his breath.
Q. What is Amanda thinking about before she and Jason find frozen Chicago?

The coldness of the box
The blizzards of her youth
Her sadness about her past
Ice cream