Cymbeline, King of Britain Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

His mean'st garment
That ever hath but clipped his body is dearer
In my respect than all the hairs above thee,
Were they all made such men. (2.3.152-155)

Ouch. Imogen thinks that even Posthumus's old clothes are better than Cloten. For someone who buys into the whole class structure (and Cloten totally does), that's a big deal, especially considering that Imogen has drawn attention to clothing, one major symbol of social status. Imogen is saying that Cloten isn't even as good as a lower-class person's old clothes; she's saying the other guy's status is actually better.

Quote #5

I'll be revenged! 'His mean'st garment'? Well. (2.3.180)

Cloten just can't get over this one: he's been insulted before, but not like this. How dare Imogen call him worthless? He's so offended he repeats this line from Imogen three times before saying this. Is this the first time anyone told it to him straight? Probably.

Quote #6

Therein I
must play the workman. I dare speak it to myself,
for it is not vainglory for a man and his glass to
confer in his own chamber. I mean, the lines of my
body are as well drawn as his, no less young, more
strong; not beneath him in fortunes, beyond him
in the advantage of the time, above him in birth,
alike conversant in general services, and more remarkable
in single oppositions. Yet this imperceiverant
thing loves him in my despite. (4.1.6-15)

Dressed as Posthumus, Cloten compares himself to his dreaded rival. He makes it easy for us to see that class doesn't really matter, though we should point out he's actually saying the opposite—that he's way better than his love rival. But, in doing so, we hear how similar the two men are in stature, strength, and skill. It's just their outward trappings—clothes as well as social status—that seem to differentiate them. (What's actually different about them is what's on the inside: Posthumus is a good guy, while Cloten is just a nasty piece of work.)