Cymbeline, King of Britain Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

That I returned with similar proof enough
To make the noble Leonatus mad,
By wounding his belief in her renown
With tokens thus and thus; averting notes
Of chamber-hanging, pictures, this her bracelet,—
O, cunning how I got it!—nay, some marks
Of secret on her person, that he could not
But think her bond of chastity quite cracked, (5.5.236-243)

Finally the truth comes out. Iachimo gives all the deets about his totally fictional tryst with Imogen. In a play with so many lies, the final scene is pretty much entirely devoted to setting the record straight. Iachimo, we've got to say, has a lot to answer for, since he and the Queen have been the worst offenders.