Cymbeline, King of Britain Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Let's quit this ground,
And smoke the temple with our sacrifices.
Thou art my brother, so we'll hold thee ever. (5.5.483-485)

Here, the king asks for people to leave this place. He means it literally (they should leave the battlefield), but we're pretty sure he's also talking figuratively: he wants everyone to leave the mindset of anger, revenge, lies, and deceit—and move on to peace and forgiveness. That's kind of the message of this play in a nutshell.

Quote #8

Kneel not to me.
The power that I have on you is, to spare you; 
The malice toward you to forgive you. Live
And deal with others better. (5.5.4509-512)

After Posthumus's initial reaction (punch first, ask questions later), we're astounded at his response to Iachimo's apology. Instead of calling for punishment or revenge, Posthumus forgives him. His only request is that Iachimo never do this stuff again.

Quote #9

We'll learn our freeness of a son-in-law:
Pardon's the word to all. (5.5.514-515)

Cymbeline has come a long way from pointing out Posthumus's shortcomings and banishing him. In the end, he tells everyone they should learn from his son-in-law: let's all forgive and forget.