Strength and Skill Quotes in Cutting for Stone

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[The newborns] were obstetric miracles for surviving [Stone's] assault. Hema decided to name the first twin to breathe Marion. Marion Sims, she would tell me later, was a simple practitioner in Alabama, USA, who had revolutionized women's surgery. He was considered the father of obstetrics and gynecology, the patron saint; in naming me for him, she was both honoring him and giving thanks. (1.10.77)

The assault that this quote is talking about is the procedure that Stone attempted. He wanted to get the baby out of the birth canal, where it was stuck, because it was killing Sister Mary Joseph Praise. And so, well, the plan Stone came up with was to crush the baby's head and just pull it out. This brutal attack is stopped by Hema, and she names the untouched baby after the father of her field, the person who developed the skills that helped her save the twins.