Cutting for Stone Chapter 52: A Pair of Unpaired Organs Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Thomas Stone and Deepak run the complicated transplant surgery.
  • It's a success.
  • When Marion wakes up, they tell him what's happened to him. He and Shiva get to spend some time together, and Marion falls asleep again.
  • Something comes loose in Shiva's brain after he's given some blood thinners for a clot. He's left brain dead.
  • Marion asks Stone to operate on his brother, but Dr. Stone says that it's useless.
  • Marion stays with Shiva as they pull the plug and he dies.
  • In a sort of mystical moment, Marion feels that Shiva is still alive, in him, because he's carrying his liver. They're rejoined after having been separated at birth.
  • Marion hugs his mother, telling her, "Here we are."