Christopher Boone Quotes

Also, dogs are faithful and they do not tell lies because they cannot talk. (5.2)

This remark might not jump out the first time we read it, way at the beginning of the book, but how do we read it differently once we know more about what happens later on?

I wondered whether Mrs. Shears had told the police that I had killed Wellington and whether, when the police found out that she had lied, she would go to prison. Because telling lies about people is called Slander. (23.11)

Christopher takes lying very seriously. Is this because he never lies himself? Or is he particularly wary of lies because he has a hard time detecting when someone isn't telling the truth? Or is it from something he saw on TV – the same place he learned the word "slander"?

I think it [a metaphor] should be called a lie because a pig is not like a day and people do not have skeletons in their cupboards. (29.7)

Hmm, is everything that isn't true a lie? Should we really outlaw metaphors? Once again, Christopher displays a frustration with his inability to understand the subtlety of language.