The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Chapter 67 Quotes

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Chapter 67 Quotes

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I didn't reply to this either because Mrs. Alexander was doing what is called chatting where people say things to each other which aren't questions and answers and aren't connected. (67.67)

It isn't difficult to connect Christopher's idea of conversation to math problems. In his mind, "chatting" would be like one person saying "two plus two" and another person responding "seventy-five," or "eighteen times thirty" and "six."

But when you get married it is because you want to live together and have children, and if you get married in a church you have to promise that you will stay together until death do us part. And if you don't want to live together you have to get divorced and this is because one of you has done sex with somebody else or because you are having arguments and you hate each other and you don't want to live in the same house any more and have children. (67.100)

Okay, let's see… marriage. Want to live together? Check. Want to have children? Check. Stay together? Check. Monogamy? Check. Hmm, that's strange, aren't we missing something? Marriage… there's got to be something else. Oh, wait, that's right: LOVE! Right, <em>that's</em> at the heart of why people get married, yet Christopher makes no mention of it.